SWEAT Results 2019

Good morning friends and family of Texas A&M Crew!

This past weekend, our team traveled to Dallas, TX to compete at SWEAT (Southwest Ergometer Amateur Tournament)! All of our members did an awesome job and showed amazing strength and mental toughness at the competition.

Here is a shout to our medalists this weekend!

1st Place:
-- Open Men's Lightweight:
A. Tourte, time of 06:50.8
-- Novice Men's Lightweight:
W. Crane, time of 07:20.0

2nd Place:
-- Open Men's:
R. Colwell, time of 07:06.0
-- Open Women's Lightweight:
K. Stagner, time of 08:14.7
-- Novice Men's Lightweight:
N. Baker, time of 07:22.0

3rd Place:
-- Open Men's Lightweight:
D. Shulkin, time of 07:10.1
-- Open Men's:
S. King, time of 07:10.8
-- Open Women's:
K. Grimm, time of 08:18.5
-- Open Women's Lightweight:
F. Wenck, time of 08:27.6
-- Novice Women's:
S. Ostrom, time of 08:22.2
-- Novice Women's Lightweight:
C. Long, time of 09:25.2

Congratulate a rower on their hard work and dedication! Also, a very big thank you to everyone who supports us and the wonderful families that housed us in Dallas! We couldn’t race without you!

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